Many of us have been supporting each other with our health and fitness goals, but because of new schedules and locations we have had a difficult time meeting. So this blog is to give us a common place to share ideas and to help motivate each other. If you would like to be a part of our healthy support group please leave a comment on a post below.
We will use this blog for weigh ins, healthy recipes, exercise ideas, 5K links, moral support, etc.....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday Weigh In #1

Okay, this week I haven't been my best on eating. We ate lots of munchies at the track this weekend instead of real meals. I have also been sleeping a lot because my jaw is swollen and very sore. But even with all my excuses, I weighed in at 262.6 lbs this morning, that is 4.4 lbs lost this week. I am hoping to keep on this path and continue to go in the downward direction. Good Luck to all of you, I hope you all are also going in the right direction.

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